Cucumis - 무료 온라인 번역 서비스
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모든 번역물

모든 번역물 - mahmood

원문 언어
번역될 언어

약 5개 결과들 중 1 - 5
10원문 언어10
아라비아어 مرحبا كيف حالك
مرحبا كيف حالِك
the word was mispelled

<Admin's remark>
This request is no longer acceptable according to our new submission rules.

완성된 번역물
영어 hello
루마니아어 Salut, ce mai faci?
불가리아어 Здравей, как си?
스페인어 Hola
핀란드어 Terve
프랑스어 Salut
터키어 Merhaba, nasılsın?
원문 언어
영어 objectives...
to develop women`s condition in the camp from various political,social,cultural and economical aspects,which comes by providing rehabilitation and training in these fields
to enhance her part[cipation in public life and increase her awareness of the national issues especially the issue of the palestinian refugees
to enhance and enable women`s political participation and support her represintation in the camp`s public organizations through increasing the awarness of her political rights,especially her right to participation in elections and to be nominated for general and leading positions
:target category
women of jalazon camp

완성된 번역물
프랑스어 camp jalazon
원문 언어
아라비아어 Marhaban!
Ena fi albeit beine 15 aabila 30 ab.
Ena mushtakon lecki, hal anta jahez?
Allah yessalemak, yeqbel.
Al Kirsh.

완성된 번역물
영어 hi